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   Producing        Editing         Assistant Directing         Sound         Set Design        PA 


The Chicken Farmer 

January 2015 -PresentPosition: Producer

        The Chicken Farmer is a short film about Stan, an introverted high school student growing up in the late 1950’s with his best friends, Rita, a chicken farmer, and Brian, an athlete. Stan begins his senior year of high school by anonymously admitting his love for Rita by graffiting the words, “Chicken Farmer I love you” across from her house. As their senior year continues however, Rita and Brian fall in love, sending Stan on a journey of heartache and self-discovery. Stan’s future after high school takes him far from Rita and Brian, but their hearts and friendship allows for them to come together again. The story follows Stan, Rita, and Brian throughout their lives, becoming victims of time, and where they learn the importance of friendship and taking action for the right reasons.

May Contain Spoilers
January 2014 - May 2015

Position: Producer

Production is wrapped! Checkout some of the stills from the shoot!  

         Orson is a video store clerk turned cynical by the idea that life has become too mundane - he has a minimum wage job that he hates, a well meaning but predictable girlfriend, and a future that’s going nowhere fast. The only pleasure he gets is by spoiling the ends of movies for his unwitting customers. However, when he spoils the end of a film for a mysterious man, Orson becomes the victim in his own game - The Man starts spoiling his everyday life. As The Man’s spoilers grow increasingly severe, Orson is faced with a choice: lose his bad attitude, or lose everything else.

Renaldo the Magician 
January - May 2014

Position: Assistant Director 

Renaldo has spent his entire life attempting to court the affections of Penny Chase. Now at his wit's end, Renaldo departs for the life of a magician abroad, but not before vocalizing some choice words for his almost lover.

American Son 
January - May 2014

Position: Line Producer & Script Supervisor 

Paul, a retired military veteran, has his world turned inside out when he loses his first born son, James, to an accident while working as a security contractor in Afghanistan. Paul's need for answers becomes stronger than his duty to his family, leading him on a journey to find truth. Along the way Paul deals with the pain of such a tragedy, but through the recollections of those important to his son, he learns that a gallant death in battle is not what defines a hero.

Out On a Limb
September - December 2013

Position: Producer

Out On a Limb is a silent, black and white comedy that reaches back to the days of Chaplin and Keaton - When Charlie Lloyd realizes that his pantries are as empty as his wallet, he becomes hell bent on earning money by any means necessary. However, when he lends his body out to scientific testing and is left with some majorly inconvenient side effects, he finds that finding a sandwich is the least of his problems.

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